Where is Kaisugu Located
The company is located in the highlands west of Rift Valley in Kericho, altitude of 2,300 above sea level. Approximately 275 KM from Kenya’s capital Nairobi.
Can I order online?
Yes, make sure you fill in your details correctly on the order page. Order fulfillment is fast and secure. You get notifications about any order updates via SMS or eMail.
Which standards do you adhere to
The company prides itself with internationally recognized certifications of its operations that include Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS), Rainforest Alliance (RA) and Tea Board of Kenya mark of origin.
How to join the Farmers association
Kaisugu draws its tea leaves from both own estates and outgrowers managed through a comprehensive farmer outreach programme. You can use the contact form to let us know more about you.
Why Kaisugu Tea
Kaisugu Limited is committed to and shall always endeavor to achieving the highest quality standards in processing, packaging and marketing of tea products

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